Depot Street Meats at L.D. Farms

Depot Street Meats is located at 29 Depot Street Jay, Maine, in the heart of Franklin County. We are a family owned and operated farm, raising 100% Grass fed, Grass finished, Belted Galloway Beef, Katahdin sheep, & Heritage poultry.
We also raise registered Guernsey goats, offering breeding stock and goat meat seasonally.
All Natural
No Antibiotics
No Hormones
Maine State Inspected
Be sure to visit our booth at the Farmington Farmer's Markets!
Fridays: on Front Street, next to the Better Living Center,
from 10:00 am. to 1:00 pm.
Saturdays: on Main Street, by the Courthouse,
from 9:00 am. to 12:00 pm.
We bring an assortment of our Grass Fed and Finished Beef, Lamb and Chicken to each Market along with Fresh Chicken and Duck eggs.
Any SPECIAL requests such as organ meats, Tenderloin steaks, Briskets, or extra ground beef, require one full day's notice. Just give us a call and we will gladly bring your order to the Market on the day specified. Phone: (207) 645-6121