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Belted Galloway Beef

  • Beef from Belted Galloways is low in saturated fat and well-marbled, making for excellent meat-eating quality. Marbling, the presence of thin threads of fat throughout the meat, is believed to greatly enhance flavor and tenderness. Their conversion of grass to muscle is also considered excellent, as they require the least amount of feed per kilogram of weight gain compared to most other breeds, according to German research.

  •  Not only is Belted Galloway beef lower in calories, lower in fat calories, lower in total fat, lower in saturated fat, lower in cholesterol, higher in protein, higher in calcium, and niacin, while providing a lower total fatty acid content, this nutritious beef maintains a beneficial CLA content and n-6/n-3 ratio.

  • Bottom line...Belted Galloway beef is Delicious & Nutritious!

  •  Grass Fed and Grass Finished on our farm in Maine

  • All Natural  

  • No Antibiotics

  • No Hormones

  • Maine State Inspected

Depot street meats belted Galloway
new feeder at L.D. Farms

New feeding trough for the cows. This will enable the feed to stay off the ground, with less waste.  We'll put 2 large round bales in every 3 or 4 days which means they are able to feed at will. With the roof overhead, it will stay as dry as is needs to.

 Raising beef is all about forage and feed quality for consistent growth and the well-being of the animal.

Belted Galloway Prime Rib Roast
belted galloway prime rib photo.jpeg
Beef cuts diagram
Beef cuts explained
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